Today is my "birthday" 30th birthday. Today i'm upgrading my self to version 3.0...and some people who like BMW cars...they said i'm joining the "3 series". of my closest friend (kak fiza) asked me something interesting today..."how do i turning 30?"...frankly speaking, it feels kinda same. But one thing for sure...i'm looking forward to this year...hopefully it would be the year and number that i will remember and cherish for the rest of my life.
Today, i'm working half day. Saturday...whose working full day on saturday. When i arrived at the office and my desk...i found a present wrapped with "pink wrapping paper"...and i wonder who was it from?. To my was from my closest "to a sister" friend....Azza and her husband. It was a picture frame...suited to place my pic and Su. Thank you very much Azza and Fadli. To Fadli...happy belated birthday, cikgu.
Chocolate Indulgence |
After 1.00pm, i went to Paroi to fetch my darling Su so that she can take her Insurance Examination at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan St.Paul Seremban. The exam started at 2.30pm till, i spent the about an hour taking a nap...the next hour mostly listening to my MP3 in the car. After that, since Su wanted to celebrate my, went to "Secret Recipe" and bought some cakes. She bought a slice of "Chocolate Indulgence" and as for me...a slice of "Cappuccino Cheese". Then we went to Man Tom Yam to really celebrate. We ordered Chicken Chop
Cappuccino Cheese |
(Su's Favorite Dish), Nasi Goreng Ratna (mine), TomYam Campur (2 Person), Cappuccino Ice Blended (Su's Favorite Drink) andMocha Ice Blended (mine) and those cakes that we bought earlier, those are our deserts. It's just nice...just the two of us. We do take pictures there...but su is using iPhone 4 and she had difficulties on how to transfer the picture to me. Why you is because iPhone 4 can only bluetooth with another iPhone. So, i will
be uploading the pictures
on my facebook.
After that, we went on to catch a movie. We watched FASTER that starring Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson. It's a very cool movie to watch. I never seen the Rock playing the role like the man only known as "the Driver". Just like the tagline said "Justice is Swift, Vengeance is Faster". Why the Rock character only known as the Diver...jeez! i don't know maybe because if his driving skill...other than that, why don't you ask the director or the producer themselves.
The Rock |
Then after the movies went to Jaya Jusco to buy something for her. When we were there, i noticed something. At first i don't believe what Su had said...then i observe it myself and it was true. If you go there, especially between the sports section and the stationery section...there's a store for only JJ staff can enter. Try to observe the staff that about to enter the store...they will turn around and bow (just like Japanese) before entering the store. Trust me, they do...i don't know why...but they really do. Maybe i'm the last people to notice this...but they really do turn around and bow.
Then i sent Su back to Springhill, that about it...thank you to Suria Mohammad for celebrating my birthday. I love her so much and to all my friends that wishes, praise and pray for me on my birthday...thank you very much and i love you too. Till then, see you later.