Cosmopoint Seremban Grafphic Students Final Presentation 24 May 2011
Antara gambar² yang sempat diambil semasa final presentation pelajar grafik Cosmopoint Seremban Jan2011. Semoga pelajar²ku sekalian mengambil iktibar dari segala kritikan, teguran dan nasihat yang telah diberi oleh penilai-penilai hasil kerja anda. Terima kasih juga ingin diucapkan kepada En.Hizami dari Pedati Karya kerana sudi hadir untuk menilai hasil kerja pelajar² ini.
Pirates of Caribbean : On Strangers Tide
I'm back again with another review regarding the next best movie of this year...and that's c. The movie continues with the witty Captain Jake Sparrow adventure in finding the legendary Fountain of Youth. In this movie, we will also being introduced to the girl that won the heart of the captain.
At first it can be kinda boring but it move along great. This movie is about 2 hours and 10 minutes long. Trust me, you wouldn't feel the time fly by because this movie just like others before's full of action and adventure.
From now on, i will be giving rating about the movies that i watch...and for this installment of Pirates of The Caribbean. I will give it 7.5 to 8.0 out of 10.0 and 10.0/10.0 for Johnny Depp for playing Jack Sparrow.
Normala & Ramadan : Collaboration with Piculensa
Ini merupakan salah satu projeck yang aku buat untuk member aku. Piculensa merupakan sekumpulan photographer yang semakin meningkat naik. InsyaAllah dengan experience dan mereka tiba dan pengetahuan yang mereka perolehi, Piculensa akan menjadi kumpulan photographer bakal terkenal satu hari nanti. So, costume album wedding ini telah aku hasilkan untuk mereka. Kepada kawan-kawan yang mengikuti blog aku nih...silalah beri komen yang boleh membantu aku memperbaiki mutu designku ini. Sekian, terima kasih.

Bagi yang memerlukan perkhidmatan atau memerlukan pertolongan mereka costume album for wedding. Boleh hubungi saya memlalui email saya yang tertera di sebelah kanan blog saya ini.
Cosmopoint Seremban Open Day - 07/05/2011

Ada banyak lagi picture² where it came from, sila layari untuk picture yang lain. Sekian, terima kasih.
Hari ini mari kita layan picture² yang diambil semasa Cosmopoint Seremban Open Day on 07/05/2011 yang lepas.
Ada banyak lagi picture² where it came from, sila layari untuk picture yang lain. Sekian, terima kasih.
"Projek Mural" - Almost Complete
A few weeks back, i post a blog regarding Mural Project in my Graphic Lab. Well, the project has started last Friday...when myself with the help of my student, we lay out a layout of the design that we wanted to do. Using just half an inch masking tape, we tape the wall with our design. If you can see in the picture on the left...on the wall there's a piece of paper...that my friend is the design that my student came out with. We decided to use blue tone theme for this mural.
It takes us around 3 hours to finished laying the layout. The layout is about 16 feet wide and 8 feet high. We have to do it slowly, so that we don't get confuse.
The picture shows how the layout would be...and we have to improvise a bit. Because the actual design would be shorter than the layout that we made.
On Saturday, my students started to paint the wall. I was on leave that day, so my students were on their own. Today, when i coming back from leave...i noticed that the wall were not fully finished. They said that, they forgot to buy the paint container and their a little bit delayed because their were looking and finding where to buy the container. Well, i'm cutting them a little bit slack...after all, they are the only ones who volunteer to do this project.
So, they picking up where they left of...and started working on the wall. This are the students involved in this project. I just giving them room to think and decide on their own, what color and which color goes's totally their decision. I just observing them.
After 4 hours, the nearly finish the job. Not like what i have expected, but this is also COOL. The colors and the design...they really talented. Good job my students. Keep working on the finishing the details and the clean up. Your effort will be kindly rewarded. Assalamualaikum.
" Cool "
Laju sangat tuh...
Today as i promise, i will share with you what do i think about Fast Five (Fast and Furious 5). One word..."Superbness" + "Awesomeness"...that's 2 right, hell whose counting. The movie is not all about race car's all about family ties, friendship, loyalty, tenacity to change their life and the need for speed. This movie is actually picks up where the previous movie (Fast and Furious, where Netty...Michelle Rodriguez character died) left off. From there on, there movie's going faster and faster.
For those who lost their way in watching Fast and Furious movie franchise (film series) and wondering why the hell is the Japanese guy in Tokyo Drift is still alive....well, let me explain it to you. It all started with...The Fast and the Furious (2001) where we were introduce to Dominic Toretto, Brian O'Connor, fast cars and NOS. Then in 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) we were introduce to Roman "Rome" Pearce...a childhood friend of Brian, Brian got suspended and more fast cars.
If you think that The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) next, you are dead wrong. Because according to the movie timeline (not the year of the movie came out) it is Fast & Furious (2009) is next after 2 Fast 2 Furious.Where Dom is back, Netty is dead, Dom get revenge and Dom working together with Brian again (after reinstated by the FBI). The continuation of the movie brings us to the new movie Fast Five (2011), where Dom & Brian teaming up with their old gangs to pull off their last heist that can change their life forever and a new kick ass character name DSS Special Agent Luke Hobbs who coming after them.
After the smoke has cleared in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil...then The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) came in. Where we were intoduced to the Japanese guy (Han), Han died and we were introduced to car drifting and more fast cars. There were rumors and the rumors has it that, we didn't see the last of Dominic Torreto and Brian O'Connor just yet...because there will be two more series after Fast Five. Whether we will see the Japanese guy (Han) again...that we have to wait and see, where will the next series be in the Fast & Furious Timeline.
If you still confused, then maybe you could click [here] to find out more about the Fast & Furious Timeline that i'm talking about. Put it simply like this The Fast and the Furious (2001) - 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) - Fast & Furious (2009) - Fast Five (2011) - The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)...that's the time line that i came out with.
The movie is really good and it worth"your money"while.Ok that's all for now...Assalamualaikum.
Happy Labor's Day...
Happy labor's day, i just stay at home and doing some work at home. Early in the morning, first thing i do is wash my car. At first, i worried to wash my car...because usually in the evening it rains. So, this morning is a little bit hot...and i think "why not?". So i wash my beloved car anyway and i tell you...i wash it good and it look so clean and shiny. After cleaning it, then my eye caught something unpleasant on my baby's body. The scratch that i don't know who did it...for those who couldn't remember, click on the [link] to see my post about that scratch.
When i couldn't bear to watch the scratch, i remember that i bought a small bottle of car paint to cover it up months ago. For those who couldn't remember, click on the [link] to see my post about that car paint. I wait until my car is dry, then i applied the paint on the scratch. At first i'm doing well...and then after a while, it kinda suck. Damn! i suck at painting...for a far, it looks ok but when get kinda grimy. Poor my baby black car. Because of some idiots, scratch it...i kinda make my baby car look a little bit gramy. Curse you whoever did it.
After this, i'm going to finish up my work that i've being keeping it for a while. Hopefully i can finish it soon and submit it ASAP. Ok that's all for now. Till my next post...assalamualaikum.
Happy Weekend...
Another weekend gone by, and this weekend was one of my most remembered weekend. It all started when my family and i planned to go to Putrajaya to see some friend of the family with Su. Little that we knew, they (friend of the family) have gone to Melaka for a family day over there. So, we have to cancel our trip. Then to make up to Su for her last birthday present, i took her to see a movie. This movie is the opening of the hottest movies in the 2011 summer...what movie that i'm talking about?'s Marvel's THOR
The epic adventure "Thor" spans the Marvel Universe from present day Earth to the mystical realm of Asgard. At the center of the story is The Mighty Thor, a powerful but arrogant warrior whose reckless actions reignite an ancient war. As a result, Thor is banished to Earth, where he is forced to live among humans. When the most dangerous villain of his world sends its darkest forces to invade Earth, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero.
My Point of View: This movie is a little bit slow than i ever expected. I guess it's ok, considering it just an introduction to who is "Thor". The visual effects is splendid as usual. I just hope that "Captain America : The first Avenger" and "The Avengers" is not that slow as this movie.
After watching the movie, since Su and i didn't take our lunch, we went to Old Town White Coffee for our lunch (it should be dinner...because it is around 6.30pm) there. Su have her favorite Old Town signature freeze and i having my Old Town Mocha Freeze. I forgot the names of the menu that we chose to eat and for desert, we having Double Kaya & Butter Toast.
After having our lunch (dinner), i have done something that i never done before. We went for KARAOKE, yes i heard me right. That is the first time i sang karaoke and i sang a lot of songs. Only for hearing pleasure of my fiance...hehehehe.
Ok, that's all for my weekend...monday is holiday, because Labor Day fall on Sunday. So, to replace it...the labor day leave is carry forward to monday. So, what's your plan?. Me...i'm taking Su to watch another movie and that is....Fast Five (Fast and Furious 5). Wait for my own review of the movie in my upcoming post. So that's all folk...Assalamualaikum.
Ok, that's all for my weekend...monday is holiday, because Labor Day fall on Sunday. So, to replace it...the labor day leave is carry forward to monday. So, what's your plan?. Me...i'm taking Su to watch another movie and that is....Fast Five (Fast and Furious 5). Wait for my own review of the movie in my upcoming post. So that's all folk...Assalamualaikum.