Good Morning's life?. Yesterday i got the news of Malaysia gonna have a public holiday today because of Malaysia's Soccer Team had just won the Suzuki AFF CUP Final against our neighboring country Indonesia (4-2 Aggregate). Congratulations Malaysia Soccer deserve to win the cup and well played.
On to the topic, yesterday...i intended to change my car wiper blade. So, i went to Seremban 2 Jaya buy a new set of wiper blades with two of my friend....Wan & Fariz. Sampai sana kitorang jalan² dulu dan survey barang. Kebetulan Aku baru dapat tahu yang gaji pun dah, aku pun pergilah beli wiper blade yang dah lama aku nak tukar.
The funny thing is...i went on and buy two 12" wiper blades for my PROTON PERSONA car. I bought them because it says on the box it is suitable for PERSONA. So, went we got back to the car and try to put it our surprise it is smaller than the original one.Then Fariz forgot to tell me that, wiper blade must have different sizes on both side. So, we went back and change the wiper blades...luckily, the new wiper blades also at the same price.
So, for those who wanted to change their wiper blades by themselves. There a tip that i wanted to share with you.
- Get to know the size of your wiper blades before your buy them.
- Make sure you buy wiper blades with silicone (because it last longer).
- It is different in size for the Passenger Side and the Driver Side...for example for PERSONA on the Passenger Side (19" wiper blade) and the Drive Side (21"wiper blade).
- Selepas pasang wiper tuh, pastikan kalau korang dah keluar dari kereta...angkatlah wiper tuh...pasal cuaca panas atau sejuk akan mengakibatkan getah wiper tuh cepat haus...itu pun kalau korang nak wiper korang tuh tahan lama.
So, that's it for to day. Until we meet again sometime in the future. Assalamualaikum.
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