“In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil’s might, Beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!“
Well, that's is the oath of every single Green Lantern in the Corp. What is a Green Lantern? Green Lantern possesses a power ring and power lantern that gives the user great control over the physical world as long as the wielder has sufficient willpower and strength to wield it. The ring is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe, and can be very dangerous. Constructs of green 'solid-energy,' which can vary from microscopic to tremendous in size and/or complexity and are limited by the imagination of the ring's wielder. This can be used to attack, defend, or to grab targets (Pre-Crisis, the rings generated telekinetic skills without constructs, if needed).
That's a briefly introduction about Green Lantern. This week, Green lantern the movie had came out in theaters. Overall, the movie is good enough for an introduction movie. The CGI is awesome and the storyline basically is about 70% similar to the Green Lantern Animation Movie (Green Lantern : First Flight). I only have one problem...and that is Ryan Reynolds. I don't think that he suitable to play Hal Jordan (the most memorable character in Green Lantern). He most suitable play character such as Marvel's Deadpool because of his cynical comedic background. The actor plays Hal Jordan should be tougher and not to thin like Reynolds. If Warner Brothers and DC Comics ever wanted to make a sequel for this movie and wanted to introduce John Stewart and Guy Gardner character...i would like to suggest American Rapper Common to play the role of John Stewart and actor Eric Johnson to play Guy Gardner.

Hopefully, the sequel should use The War of Light storyline...where Sinestro become obsessed with the yellow ring that the guardian forge from Fear before Hal Jordan come and confront them in the this movie.That would be great and awesome. Ok, that's all for now. Till my next post.
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