Happy Labor's Day...


Happy labor's day everybody...today, i just stay at home and doing some work at home. Early in the morning, first thing i do is wash my car. At first, i worried to wash my car...because usually in the evening it rains. So, this morning is a little bit hot...and i think "why not?". So i wash my beloved car anyway and i tell you...i wash it good and it look so clean and shiny. After cleaning it, then my eye caught something unpleasant on my baby's body. The scratch that i don't know who did it...for those who couldn't remember, click on the [link] to see my post about that scratch.

When i couldn't bear to watch the scratch, i remember that i bought a small bottle of car paint to cover it up months ago. For those who couldn't remember, click on the [link] to see my post about that car paint. I wait until my car is dry, then i applied the paint on the scratch. At first i'm doing well...and then after a while, it kinda suck. Damn! i suck at painting...for a far, it looks ok but when get closer...it kinda grimy. Poor my baby black car. Because of some idiots, scratch it...i kinda make my baby car look a little bit gramy. Curse you whoever did it. 

After this, i'm going to finish up my work that i've being keeping it for a while. Hopefully i can finish it soon and submit it ASAP. Ok that's all for now. Till my next post...assalamualaikum.